We’re renowned for delivering exceptional Sales and IT candidates. Clients trust our deep industry knowledge and personalised service, ensuring reliable, expert recruitment with outstanding results.

Our team is comprised of industry experts with extensive experience in Sales and IT recruitment. Dedicated and knowledgeable, we are committed to understanding your unique needs and providing our personalised service.

Our candidates are carefully vetted to ensure they excel in Sales and IT roles. We prioritise not only their skills and experience but also their fit with your company culture to ensure you are hiring the right people.

A hiring agency that has been born from a successful Sales and Marketing development business. We have over 20 years of HANDS-ON experience in recruiting, training and mentoring Sales People.

We set our agency up in order to support businesses that are having the same pain points as we were whilst using the high street recruitment agencies.

We understand the unique challenges of finding good Sales and IT talent because we’ve been in your shoes. We’ve experienced firsthand the frustrations of working with recruitment agencies that don’t deliver.

This deep-rooted experience drives our commitment to excellence. Our specialised focus on Sales and IT recruitment ensures that we not only find candidates with the right skills but also the cultural fit to thrive in your organisation. Trust EuroSearch to provide a personalised, results-driven recruitment service that bridges the gap between exceptional talent and exceptional companies.

Whether you are looking to accelerate sales, drive growth or replace leavers our services will help you to hire the right type of people to excel your business forward.

Having been in your position we know what it is like to deal with recruitment agencies in trying to find suitable sales people. We have been through the pain of being submitted candidates who have never picked the phone up, never made a sales call and being told that they will be perfect for the job. Then to find out that the candidate didn’t know what the job was about nor did they know they would be on the phones making cold calls.

This is why we took it upon ourselves to start recruiting in-house having someone who knows the industry and what a suitable candidate actually looks like.

From this success we created EuroSearch, a dedicated and experienced agency to help companies to recruit the right type of sales people enabling them to hire with confidence and continue driving your business growth.

If you need to innovate, enhance your IT infrastructure, or replace key team members, our services will help you hire the right talent to advance your business.

We know that know IT is at the heart of every business so ensuring you have the right staff and support in this department is key to the ensure the smooth running of the business. We’ve experienced the disappointment of being sent candidates who lack the necessary technical skills, don’t understand the job requirements, and are unprepared for the tasks at hand.

That’s why we are dedicated to helping companies recruit the right IT professionals. Our goal is to empower businesses to hire confidently and sustainably to drive your technological advancements and ensure you have the right staff needed to support your infrastructure so you can keep focused on the important tasks such as driving business growth.

We are a small dedicated agency so we look to partner with the right types of people and clients which enables us to provide outstanding service without having to search new clients consistently.

If a candidate doesn’t workout for whatever the reason we will find a suitable replacement for you, at no extra cost.

Coming from a Sales and Development agency means we have extensive experience in the latest marketing technology and have included them as part out our hiring process to provide us access to whole new level of candidate sourcing.